Innovative Connections For Vital Results

We are Rhythmlink

Rhythmlink® International, LLC designs, manufactures and distributes medical devices and provides custom packaging, private labeling, custom products and contract manufacturing to its customers. Rhythmlink is recognized as a leader within its field at providing the important physical connection between patients and the diagnostic equipment to record or elicit neurophysiologic biopotentials.

Originally founded by neurodiagnostic technicians and engineers in 2002, Rhythmlink strives to provide continuous innovation and superior quality in all of its products. Based in Columbia, SC, Rhythmlink’s advancements and improvements in technology, business development and corporate branding have brought national and international recognition.

Look at the Leaders of Rhythmlink

Paul Buckman


Shawn Regan

Chairman of the Board / Co-Founder

Featured Product

MR Conditional/CT Quick Connect Electrodes

Rhythmlink’s FDA Cleared MR Conditional*/CT Electrodes help eliminate the need and cost to have staff available to remove and reapply EEG electrodes each time a patient requires magnetic resonance [MR] imaging during critical care continuous EEG [CCEEG] monitoring, long term epilepsy monitoring or any other situation requiring 1.5 and 3T MR imaging.

BrainHealth Headset

Rhythmlink’s BrainHealth Headset is the perfect EEG companion for ER, ICU and Critical Care environments.

Rhythmlink’s BrainHealth Headset includes an application guide, pre-loaded with 21 Rhythmlink PressOn™ EEGElectrodes. The headset is easy to apply, quick and efficient. Designed to be used by medical professionals already at bedside, meaning you get high quality EEG and cEEG recordings fast!

News and Stories

Rhythmlink Announces Strategic Leadership Hire to Drive Next Phase of Advancement

Rhythmlink International is pleased to announce a significant update regarding our company’s leadership, which came into effect April 1. Following careful consideration and thoughtful planning, Rhythmlink is delighted to introduce Paul Buckman as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and member of the Board of Directors at Rhythmlink.

Rhythmlink Announces New Addition to EMG/NCV Line: The Concentric Needle Family

October 13, 2023

Rhythmlink International, LLC has announced the release of a new product family, concentric needles, which joins their existing line of products specifically for EMG and NCV studies.

Rhythmlink Announces Investment Partnership with Graham Partners

March 17, 2023

Rhythmlink International, LLC is pleased to announce an exciting new investment partnership with Graham Partners, a Pennsylvania-based private equity firm that specializes in industrial technology and advanced manufacturing businesses.

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